Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The surprise trip to NY this past weekend

So this past weekend, i took friday off and me and Thrash headed to Long Island to give the 'rents a surprise. I know Dad was having a hard time and I needed to get up there and find out what was going on. His health is not the greatest, but he is hanging in. But the during the 4th of July week, he got in a car accident. Not his fault, he was hit by a speeding car, but it really took the wind out of his sails.

So road warrior status --- and away we went. I called them when I got in the drive way, and as me and Thrash waited outside, I told them that there was an anniversary delivery right now. and to go get it....and there I was !

The backyard where I grew up...chipped wiffle golf balls, learned to pitch a hard ball before I ever knew there was such a thing as a softball, swam in an above ground pool, sat in the sun and spent the summer reading one book from the Tolkien trilogy..you get he picture.

the living room where many a Christmas was spent opening presents...and not much else has changed there, perhpas the slipcovers, in 40 or so years.
The den, or family room, also like the rest of the house, frozen in time. But Thrash has already made himself at home.

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