Tuesday, January 29, 2008

the middle seat ..again

Yes, I couldn't even upgrade to first class with my miles. and of course , the largest fellow on the plane had the window seat next to me, cramped and smushed in the "no rights for you" middle seat. arggggggggg....4 hours of misery to Denver.....How does this happen to me?

Saturday, January 26, 2008

super tuesday...ABH

I'll be on the road next week and probably won't be able
to make any coherent posts, so i thought I would post
this now and let you all get ready for super sized opinions and pundits opining on the future....

but rock the vote! You can't complain if you don't vote


More shots using Mac's "PhotoBooth"

my mind wanders from the warmth of the tropics to the cool of outer space...or is it spacey?
photobooth on my mac and the build in camer are much fun to play with

Thursday, January 24, 2008

contractor vs contractor #4

Still trying to upgrade those broken computers...and sometimes the fight comes from within, not without.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Contractor vs Contract - 3

Good Ideas that never quite got the credit they deserved.

talking Heads

Meeting Strategy

Gotta get out there and be seen, be vocal, be pushy! He who attends the most meetings wins! and sometimes, wins the big contract.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Contractor vs Contractor - Excess Equipment?

Can you say "repurposing"? "recycling" ?
come get it...I don't care if it's crap, it's yours now!

Watch you eyes, now!

A colleague of mine at BAH [booz, allen, hamilton] has this nifty laser pointer. It's not your average pointer now, red in color and a small spot. This thing was green, with a strong beam, not your whimpy little pointer.
We were messing with it , shooting the beam thru empty and not empty water bottles - on the floor. Reminded me of using one to drive my brother in laws cats mad trying to swat at the moving dot. And...voila..the thought came out, Lasik surgery AND presentations, all with one tool. For only $19.95 !

Monday, January 21, 2008

Contractor tools...the almighty cell and crackberry!

Unfortuneately, we send the emails for discussion to have a written record of what we agree or disagree to...and 'reply all' is so easy to hit and snap back .

I just wonder what will happen...

If i push this button, no matter what he says.....it's just a button.
[Know anyone who won't listen like this ?]

another self inflicted mess in the studio

In getting rid of a file cabinet and replacing with a metal 7 shelf cart , i found a lot of crap i had kept but a heck of a lot of sketchs and drawings. Some were over 20 years old, from units i served in, places I had been, editorial cartoons, etc. I had forgotten about them, but remembered them and the events at the times when i reviewed them all. I tossed a lot of stuff, organized the rest and stuck them in looseleaf binders, my early version of sketch books. In retrospect from all then till now, I have been more prolific in doodles and sketches than i had imagined.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

"Contractor vs Contractor" vs the green shader

How do you get long lead items on contract, of which you need ALL the money for the discounted, bulk buy, when the green shaders only give you some at a time...?
Very Carefully...:-)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

off the wall....

From serious art to edtorial art to off the wall....Yeah, I know, I am not quite right...but don't ya just love it!

Contractor vs Contractor - more

Chance encounter in the cube farm resulting in friendly banter..NOT!

Monday, January 14, 2008


Anyone out there remember Mad Magazine ? Ok, Who admits to reading it? Well if you didn't read it but know there was a recurring cartoon called "Spy vs. Spy" featuring two pointy nosed characters. One had a black trench coat and hat, the other white.
Well, I gotta say that working for the government, esp Missile Defense Agency (aka MDA) is many times as chaotic as that magazine.

So I was thinking, Spy vs Spy...hmmm "Contractor vs Contractor". aha ! the genesis for a new running cartoon. The first one out of the block here is an ode to chaos. Apologies to the late Keith Haring, in stealing a bit of his style.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

What else will be made in China ?

I got to thinking about my friend Vicki's challenge on her blog, to find 5 things that are made in the US in stuff around us'ins [ at least that is what I remember]. I keep looking around and picking up stuff in the store or things i am about to buy and keep seeing that 'made in china'. It feels like we think all the stuff up , let china make it and ship it back to us...I got to thinking, are sending us our babies going to be the next thing? Outsourcing child bearing ?

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Which One are you?

Listening to the weather report on occasion, they describe some days as partly sunny or partly cloudly. What is the difference? I am sure there is, but I really think it's in the way you view life that drives how a person would describe a day with clouds in it and the sun playing peek-a-boo.

So, which one are you...the partly sunny or partly cloudy?

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

in case you didn't know it, some of Ruby's friends are '~imaginary' LOL

this next one, well perhaps you had to hear it from the person who said it, but it was kinda funny after thought ..."say , that could have been a pickup line...?"

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

New Year is starting to bring changes

New beginnings, un-expected changes....the new year is going to different than the last, but isn't that the whole point? [no i didn't quit my job..someone else did]

Bunny Tales

Photoshop Elements,pix and trying to keep my hand and eyes busy! I think Thrash has an admirerer.

Friday, January 04, 2008

art for sale...

experiments in photoshop...soon to work on Illustrator, which believe me, is not an intuitive application. I like Freehand better, but that company was bought by Adobe, and they ceased to release improvements, esp to take advantage of MACs dual and quad intel chips in the the new computers. I don't understand why companies gravitate to the difficult and the simplistic?

warnng..political commentary.....coffee with ruby

So ask yourself....where does she really stand on the issues?for that matter...where do they all stand on what is important to YOU?

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Graffitti writer!

Scooter turns to art of the streets....

Focus, focus I say!

Ever wonder what people think about when they sit in meetings and don't say much ?

Sentiments and Thoughfullness

I saw this quote on a blog while i was catching up on art. I thought it was an interesting sentiment and it struck a chord w ith me. So I cribbed it and created this little poster.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New Years Eve with Ruby

Ya wait all nite for the big moment to bring in the new year, new beginnings, good luck, new outlook on life ...... and then ya gotta go you know where. Is there time enough for business before having to hoist a glass of bubbly for ole aung syne?

Well I got to tell you - there is nothing like beating the gong with a royal flush !

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Feel like this sometimes....?

well then, go ahead and scream it - "I can't do it all!" and feel good about it too"

Happy Holidays..

Ruby and the gang wanted to wish you a merry and a happy - much peace and love to ya all.
Ruby says:
" Yoh! Take the time this year to tell those that you love how you feel about them, no matter what the consequences. Let them know they are in your heart forever. Hey, Life is too f'n short to beat around the bush and not be REAL."

ruby has spoken