Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What if....musings while sketching -art class

1 min pose sketch....enhanced a bit with a little Photoshop.

"Musings while living"

What if you had a cell phone and it never rang?
What if you landed at a familiar airport, but nobody was there to greet you?
What if you had something important to say, would anyone listen?
What if your friends can't confide their fears and joys to you, would you still confide yours?
What if the hole in your heart never healed, could you try love again?
What if you let hurt overcome emotion, would you still hang on to hurt?
What if you are ready to face your demons, but they left town?
What if hurts never healed?
What if living in the past means your present has not significance?
What if you gave a party , and no one came?
What if you went to a party and you were the only one who came?
What if the parent now has now to become the child?
What if all the conversations you had with people from now on were doomed to be only superficial?
What if you tried to have a heavy conversation, but found you knowledge superficial?
What if you never 'got' poetry, would you still read it?
What if good is not good enough?
What if you did the right thing all your life, but found out it really wasn't right?
What if you realized you took a wrong turn in life, would you fix it?

"my love where ever I go, I take you with me..." Melissa Etheridge

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