Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Easter Time

Other than getting violently sick Sat nite, Easter was a good visit with the 'rents. Thrash had a great time, and of course made himself quite at home. Mom's surprise was a small basket of colored eggs. I have lots of good memories of dying eggs with her as a child, and of my Uncle who loved to eat them after easter dinner. At the time, I hated hard boiled eggs, and couldn't understand why he ate them. But as with everything, times change and tastes change and now I devour them as well. But the dyed eggs brought me back to tasks long ago forgotten and relatives who now walk with God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved the dyed eggs - Mike and I try and do that every other year or so.
Thrash looks so cute in the basket.
Sorry you were sick!