The boat was gased up and ready for some open water running...and yes that is a wake board in there. and No, I have not made it up on it [yet!].
Visits via water from Toni, Nick and Vicki brighten the day - with everyone trying to stay cool in the heat. Which included my little baby, Thrash, who is now a water dog, a boat dog and a jet ski dog [no pix of him on the ski, but soon. He and I rode around the cove for almost 20 min and he loved it!] He also likes to just go walking in the water, and would walk down the steps or pull you down, and just stand there, like he is below. Falling off the dock at Toni's house, with his little life vest on thank God, he just swam to the steps.
" but mommy, I don't want to get out of the water"
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