Monday, July 16, 2007

WE're on the road to Port Charlotte! Thanks Kay and Phil!

So after a grueling trip to Orlando, and driving to Melbourne, a grueling 3 1/2 days of meetings and working nites, I treated myself. Since I had to stay and fly out on Sat I decided to stay in florida and visit Kay and Phil, Toni's mom and dad. But first , Friday night I went to see the new Harry Potter movie. Excellant. Then the next morning I packed, talked a little bizness at breakfast, and hit the road to Port Charoltte.

I 95 south from Melbourne, thru the windshield of life.

After a great stay, a little sightseeing, lots of coffee and great conversation and company, I bid adieu to Kay, Phil and Mr Max! and headed to the Sarasota Airport and back to NOVA...

Lots of love and thanks to Kay and Phil for their great hospitality, letting me sleep till 8:45 AM on Sunday morning and generally just letting me unwind .

1 comment:

Vicki said...

you always get to go to the best places