Monday, June 02, 2008

Memorial Day -2008 - LKG Flea Market

Scenes from one of my sketch books. I was sitting trying to sell my flea market stuff as well as my artisitic signs.. the yuppies that I thought would appreciate my repurposed signs and art, sort of did, "oh isn't that cute", "wouldn't it look great in so and so's bathroom", "aren't you decorating in fish", "you do great work", "these are great"...Lookers and touchers but no buyers. Bah..

But the poorer folks, the 'rednecks', they bought stuff that baffled me, and probably didn't need to spend their money on..I literally watched some of them spend hours circling again and again the booths and tables in this literally small flea market, marking a purchase and placing it in their car or truck , then going back again. This went on and on fact one of them continued to buy stuff from me ! But then just when you think you'd seen it all, as I was trying to pack up my stuff and load the jeep on my crutches, the woman helped me pack and load, just because.
Kindness is great when you find it in the most unusual places.....

So I am still searching for the right venue to show my art and hopefully make some sales

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