Friday, October 31, 2008

The questions are simple, the answers are not

What if you knew you wouldn't get caught, would you?

What if you loved someone who couldn't love you back, would you still love them?

What if the love of your life was happier without you, would you be happy for them? would you have the strength to move on as well?

What if you had a chance to make a a difference in a strangers life, would you? could you?

What if you only had a year to live, would you live your life differently? and if you would, why aren't you living that life now?

What if you had just one chance to go back and do a 'do over', would you? What would it be?

What if the thing(s) that you loved the most, were gone from your life, what would you do?

What if you had something serious on your mind, and walked into a field of beautiful flowers, could you stop and enjoy the moment of beauty?

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