I've always had an artistic bent in me...and can remember scribbling and drawing on anything, to include the nice white cardboard that came with those uglee fishnet stockings we used to wear, well some of us... As a young child, every week, my mom and i would walk to the stores, about 1/2 mile away and we would stop at what used to be called the 'candy store' , which had cards, candy, apharmacy, stuff that you might get in a CVS these days. It also had a counter where you could get a grilled cheese samwhich, malt or that NY delight, Eggcreme. And every week, mom would buy me one of these Papermate Flair majic markers for me to draw with. At that time, they came is so many different colors, and I would pick out a color each week, wokring on getting them all. And boy, would I draw and draw. I had so many after a while, I could color a rainbow and then some.

As I surfed around the last few days to find a source of these Copic markers, above, since one of my favorites the Eberhard Design marker was discontinued, I had thoughts of the Flair markers and how Mom and I would pick them out each week. It was such a small thing, but one that, was one of the happiest things. How could Mom have known? Love and encouragement of my talent - what more can a child ask for from a mom ?
Isn't it always the small things that make us smile....the sacrifice and joy of giving, thos e memories, swollen with love, are the ones that last.
Hey, I just wanted to tell you that your "tag" line (the one that says "Just because I'm drawin' doesn't mean I'm not paying attention...") describes me perfectly. I draw all the time and I am constantly defending myself... Just thought you should know that you're not alone in that regard...
Jeremy - thanks for the company :-) it IS nice to know that I am not alone, doodling away. much luck to you on your blog.
nice reading your memories about
your mom and those pens. What a neat deal you had with her, and so
nice to hear about it. Moms are
the best.
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