Sunday, April 22, 2007

PEACE ! Sun, and Boat

The first ride of the season was a few weeks ago on the new Seadoo RXP , which had to go back for a safety recall. Hmmmm, that really sux'd, but have wet suit and my red SeaDoo, and away I go ! The lake was most calm, and I was able to run full out right across the lake to the other side....but damn, are my legs out of shape, sitting in a crouch and using the legs like shock absorbers taking the small ripples and a few unexpected waves ...Now my thighs are screaming!

So, when dropping the jetski off at the dealer for them to do the inspection per the safety recall, I got a pleasant boat is here ! It still needs to be checked out, and a few things instialled, like the motor.. but me and Thrash got to take a look ! He is going to be a water dog real soon....

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Its hiding!! can't wait to see it without the cover... and boy it looks BIG!